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Drug Possession Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware

We’ll Help You Fight for Your Future

Because drug laws are constantly changing around the country, it’s important to understand what the laws are in Delaware. The Law Office of Richard Zemble stays up-to-date on state and federal regulations when it comes to drug laws in Wilmington and Middleton, Delaware.

Drug charges vary from state-to-state and are in a constant state of flux. That is why you should speak with a local attorney who knows how the justice system works and how to guide you through it.

The state of Delaware categorizes drug crimes by the number of drugs in your possession. Tier 1 is the least quantity of drugs, while Tier 5 is the greatest amount of drugs. Attorney Zemble will help you understand your charges and keep your best interests in mind throughout the legal process.

Schedule a consultation with a drug possession attorney in Middleton, Newark, and Wilmington, Delaware today.

Charged with a Drug Crime?

Understand All the Factors That Go Into Your Charges

It’s important to understand the possible penalties in your case. Attorney Zemble will explain your situation and the laws surrounding your case. With his experience and knowledge of the criminal courts, you can move through the system with confidence your case is in capable hands. There are also factors that can make your charges more serious and increase the penalties, such as:

  • An offense that occurs in a school zone, park or place of worship

  • An offense that occurs in a vehicle

  • Being an adult with an offense involving a juvenile more than four years younger than you

  • Resisting arrest

Whatever the circumstances of your arrest, we will help you protect your rights and defend your freedom.

Attorney Zemble fights to have your charges reduced to protect your future. Call (302) 416-6735 today to speak with a drug crimes attorney in Wilmington, Newark, and Middleton, Delaware.